Terms & Conditions

Information discussed on this website has been provided as initial & general information only, and is presented mainly in point form. Details will/may be abbreviated and shortened for easy website browsing.  Therefore, the advice/details should not be viewed as complete or concise. Consultation with the Immigration Department or a Registered Migration Agent, to discuss an applicant’s situation, is advised before making a decision on any visa application.

All details provided by and discussed with the applicant will be treated as private and will be treated with strict Confidentiality.

Any price quoted for Migration Services offered relate only to the Registered Migration Agent’s fees. The fees paid are in relation to professional services offered and do not relate to any part of the applicant’s visa application charge.

The Visa Application Charge is to be paid by the applicant and is solely for the visa application fees as required for lodgment with the Immigration Department. They do not relate to DCM Consulting Services.

The Migration Agent’s Fees only relate to professional fees in lieu of services in assisting the applicant lodge his/her visa application. The fees do not include any migration review work for subsequent application with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), previously Migration Review Tribunal. Any application or work done with regard to MRT matters will be separately invoiced/charged.

Any fees related to the applicant’s visa application must be paid by the applicant. Such fees & charges are not included or related to the Migration Agent’s Service fee.

Application fees/costs include but are not limited to health insurance, medical examinations, police clearance checks, document translations, and, other professional fees such as lawyers and psychologists.

The Migration Agent cannot guarantee or definitely state that a visa will be obtained by using his services. Migration agents do not have control over the grant of a visa. A visa application will be prepared for the applicant based on his/her own personal situation and circumstance that meets the Immigration Department’s visa criteria.

Prospective applicants are invited to inspect the Migration Agents Code of Conduct as per the MARA website.









