Family −
Partner Visas

Offshore Application 2 Category

(1)  Prospective (3 Stages)

a) Subclass 300 Prospective Spouse

  •     9 months to marry in Australia


b) Subclass 820 Partner Visa

  •     Two Year requirement


c) Subclass 801 Partner Visa

  •     Relationship Assessed − Genuine


(2)  Offshore Partner Visa (2 Stages)

a) Subclass 309 Partner Visa

  •     Two year requirement


b) Subclass 100 Partner Visa

  •     Relationship Assessed − Genuine

Onshore Application

(1) Onshore Partner Visa (2 Stages)

a) Subclass 820 Partner Visa

  •     Two year requirement


b) Subclass 801 Partner Visa

  •     Relationship Assessed − Genuine

Prospective Spouse Subclass 300 Visa

  •     Must have at least met each other
  •     At least 18 years old
  •     Each partner is Free to Marry
  •     Genuine intent to marry
  •     Genuine intend to live with spouse
  •     Complete Health Checks
  •     Complete Character / Police Checks
  •     If granted visa, Spouse will have 9 months to travel to Australia to marry
  •     Will be able to work and study in Australia
  •     Not entitled to Austudy
  •     Once Married, can apply for the Partner (820/801) Visa
  •     Must be on visa for 2 years
  •     Department will reassess the relationship
  •     If still on 820 visa, will then move to 801 visa


  •     Provide adequate accommodation to spouse
  •     Provide adequate financial assistance to Spouse

Partner (Subclass 820/309) Visa

  •     If defacto relationship must be at least 12 months
  •     Be sponsored by eligible person
  •     Be legally married
  •     Show that you will be together
  •     Genuine relationship
  •     Living Together
  •     Health & Character Checks
  •     Evidence relationship is genuine
  •     History of relationship
  •     Evidence of Relationship
  •     Immigration Department my require further information depending on application

Some Costs

  •     Visa Application Charge (VAC)
  •     Medical Costs
  •     Police Checks
  •     Other Costs

家庭 –


(1) 未來(3階段)

a) 子類300未來的配偶

  •    9個月內在澳洲結婚


b) 子類820伴侶簽證

  •    要求兩年


c) 子類801伴侶簽證

  •    關係評定 – 真正的


(2) 境外伴侶簽證(2階段)

a) 子類309伴侶簽證

  •    要求兩年


b) 子類100伴侶簽證

  •    關係評定 – 真正的


(1) 境內伴侶簽證(2階段)

a) 子類820伴侶簽證

  •    要求兩年


b) 子類801伴侶簽證

  •    關係評定 – 真正的


  •    必須至少會見過對方
  •    年滿18歲
  •    每一個伴侶是自由結婚的
  •    有真正的意圖去結婚
  •    真正打算與住配偶在一起
  •    要進行全面健康檢查
  •    完整的人格/警方檢查
  •    如果被給予簽證,配偶將有9個月前往澳大利亞結婚
  •    將能夠在澳大利亞工作和學習
  •    無權獲得Austudy
  •    一旦結婚,就可以申請伴侶簽證(820/801)
  •   必须在签证2年
  •    部門將重新評估關係
  •    如果仍然在820簽證,將轉移到801簽證


  •    提供充分居所給偶
  •    提供給配偶充分的財政援助


  •    如果是同居關,必須長達至少12個月
  •    由合資格人士擔保
  •    在法律上是已婚
  •    證明你會在一起
  •    真正的關係
  •    共同生活
  •    健康及品格檢查
  •    證明關係是真實的
  •    關係的歷史
  •    關係的證據
  •    入境處根據申請可能需要更多的資料


  •    簽證申請費(VAC)
  •    醫療費用
  •    警方檢查
  •    其他費用