Business Skills

Subclass 188 (Temporary) Visa

  •     State or Territory Nominated

  •     Have functional English (or pay second Visa Application Charge)

  •     Have sufficient funds to settle in Australia

  •     Submit Expression of Interest (EOI)

  •     May apply for 888 (Permanent) Visa after satisfying further requirements

  •     Subclass 888 visa changes mean you or your partner can satisfy the visa requirements (swap applicants)


[A]  Business Innovation

  •     Under 55 Years unless waived by Nominator
  •     Meet Points Test
  •     Genuine and realistic commitment to be involved in new or existing business
  •     Overall successful business career
  •     Can renew visa for one extension
  •     Meet other visa Criteria


[B]  Investor

  •     Under 55 years unless waived by Nominator
  •     Meet Points Test
  •     Meet other visa criteria
  •     Cannot apply for extension


[C]  Significant Investor

  •     No upper age limits or English requirement
  •     Must reside in nominated State/Territory government agency that nominated you
  •     Applicants must have net assets and invest at least AUD5 Million into complying investments
  •    Meet complying investment criteria
  •     No need for Innovation Points Test
  •     Applicants may be eligible to renew visa up to 2 times



  •    州或區域提名

  •    具有實用的英語(或支付第二個簽證申請費)

  •    有足夠的資金來澳大利亞定居

  •    提交 “興趣表達” 表(EOI)

  •    子類888簽證變化意味著你或你的伴侶能夠滿足簽證要求(交換申請人)

[A] 業務創新

  •    少於55歲,除非提名人豁免
  •    滿足測試點
  •    真正和真實的承諾去參與新或現有的業務
  •    總體上成功的商業生涯
  •    可通過續簽簽證延長一次
  •    滿足其他業務標準


[B] 投資者

  •    少於55歲,除非提名人豁免
  •    滿足測試點
  •    滿足其他業務標準
  •    不可以申請延長簽證


[C] 顯著的投資

  •    無年齡上限或英語要求
  •    必須駐留在提名您的州/地區政府機構內
  •    簽證批之前,申請人必須投資至少五 百 萬澳元到符合的投資上
  •    符合投資標準
  •    無需創新點測試
  •    申請人可能有資格續簽簽證上至2次